Pneumatic Projection Welder- Pneumatic Spot Welder in India. Pneumatically controlled projection welder for rapid and efficient welding in industries. The principle here is to make the equipment move by air pressure controlled at a constant speed by adjusting the pressure. We can control vertical movement by controlling the electrode holder. The foot paddle is needed to initiate the process of welding by pushing the pedal. A thyristorised synchronous electronic sequence consists of squeeze, weld, forge and off heat control to complete the process of welding at the fast pace with a constant speed. These machines can weld stainless steel, brass, phosphorous, bronze, alloy steels. They are useful for engineering workshops, furniture shop, containers, barrel, drum, electrical instruments, kitchenware, automobiles, bicycles, motorcycles, air conditioners, refrigerators, motors, switchgear etc. The machine is heavy fabricated and streamlined in design, the transformer is mounted on the body. The constant cooling system is required for functioning and results of the machine.