Welding Generators

This is a very difficult situation on a job site without electricity, at this point, bringing a separate large generator to connect your welder and power tools can be a headache. Combining welding with a power supply to run different power tools at the same time can be a great economical and productive benefit.
Cruxweld offers a range of portable and powerful welding generators that are versatile and can be used anywhere, with professional results. This duo combination of welding and generator in one device not only increases productivity but also saves money.
The best quality Generator Welding Machine can run fans, air compressors & appliances along with stick welding. Welding Generators incorporate petrol, diesel, or gas coupled to an electrical generator and produce power for ARC or Stick welding. These generators are portable and heavy-duty as well.
The heavy-duty needs a carrier to carry to distant outdoors for use. This can be used for the hand grinder, compressor, fan, mixer, etc. During power breakdown, this welding generator can be used as a backup generator. This is a powerful all-in-one tool for industries and construction for the best results. This is a cost-effective method where a single machine can achieve many purposes. Our machines are very stable sturdy and strong and can be run by semiskilled workers even.

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